Doing some quick math, I realized I have a total of 31 warcasters and warlocks spanning my four factions. With having fairly complete collections of Cygnar, Circle Orboros, and Thornfall, with my chosen select core of Highborn and Four Star Mercs, I have a LOT of stuff - too much to reasonably play, including many pieces I've either never fielded or haven't played in Mk2. So, in struggling constantly with deciding what to play, I struck upon another idea similar to my old thought on Random Casters. Instead, I'll begin with my first faction and play two games with every 'caster and then every 'lock in alphabetical order. If I like their tiers, I'll use those at least once. Otherwise, I'll play what I want with the chosen 'caster or 'lock. I've also decided that 50pts are my new standard - forget 35pts. Most importantly, I'll decide whether each 'caster or 'lock gets a green card or a red card based on these two games - green cards means they stay in longterm rotation, red card means they get shelved for the time being. Maybe I'll revisit them later, but I'm trying to identify my "go-to" armies and favorite combos to play.
I'm starting to remember how much I dislike gunlines, and how much I enjoy in-your-face assault armies. So I'll list all the 'casters I plan to use here, and then edit with results as I play them. Today, I got three games in... and lost all three, but had the most fun with Blaize. So here goes:
June 23, 2012
Major Marcus "Siege" Brisbane: The Big Guns Tier 4: Red
Major Marcus "Siege" Brisbane: Non-Tier: Red
Constance Blaize, Knight of the Prophet: Army of Light Tier 4: Green
I had fun with all three armies I played today, though the Siege lists left something to be desired. As gunlines, I played too far forward. Something to think about as I move forward. It was nice to play Trencher-heavy and run with some guns, but the axe-to-mouth nature of Blaize took the cake and ate it too! Sword Knights, Precursors, and the Centurion all performed amazingly well. This was the only game where my opponent was truly on the ropes and pulled a Hail Mary for the win. I'll continue this list as I go, until I come out with my core warcasters and warlocks that will help me make best use of the armies I have. For the record, here is my discussion on the Privateer forums on this topic.
June 30, 2012
Constance Blaize, Knight of the Prophet: Non-Tier: Green
Lieutenant Allister Caine: Non-Tier: Red - had another go-around; fun, but not amazingly so.
July 14, 2012
Lieutenant Allister Caine: Tier 4: Red - really fun, but problematic; lucky victory
Captain Allister Caine: Non-Tier: Green - total blast with lots of kill potential and answers for everything
Next Up
Captain E. Dominic Darius: Non-Tier: HERE COMES THE STORMWALL!
Captain E. Dominic Darius: Tier 4: Less bells & whistles; we'll see.
Captain Victoria Haley: Non-Tier: More Stormwall fun!
Interesting ideas. I really think you need to play a caster more than once to get a feel for them. I'm currently playing casters 3 at a time (in Cygnar also) until I feel comfortable with them. Occasionally, I'll mix it up with an older caster, especially if I get something new to try out.
When it comes to Cygnar, I've played all of them dozens of times, but this approach might be best described as a play-off round robin. We'll see how it works out.
I'm kinda surprised to find that you didn't enjoy Caine1. He is by far my favorite caster in Cygnar (with about half played). What part of him did you not enjoy?
Well, he has a lot of answers (except against Stealth) and supports his army VERY well, but something about his style just doesn't agree with me. He's FUN, but not AS FUN for me as some other 'casters. Maybe I need to toy around with other lists for him, but I'm being pretty cut-throat through this process to find my 3 or 4 "go to" Cygnar 'casters.
Hey mang. Dig the blog. Have you played stormwall at all? I'm playing with a small group at my place in grand blanc on Monday evenings. If you're ever interested look me up on he pp forums and give me a pm. I know Matt from flint as well.
Thanks man! Nope, haven't gotten Stormwall out on the table yet. Soon though. I'll keep the offer in mind, though Gland Blanc is kind of a long drive for a Monday night.
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