Monday, March 16, 2009

Return of the Fully-Primed Challenge

Just to stay up on things, and make some forward progress, announcing Fully-Primed in '09! Since last summer, I've accumulated a bunch of new stuff, so I'm priming it. In reverse order of how many points I have in each group. I'm also washing all my models now again before priming. After talking to Lincoln, I got a little paranoid about it.

5. Minions - done!
4. Trollbloods - done!
3. Mercenaries - done!
2. Circle Orboros - done!
1. Cygnar - done!

Thanks GOD for warm weather... so happy the winter is finally gone in Michigan!

Monday, March 2, 2009

My dedication knows no bounds...

I just couldn't help it. Had to share. That is all...
Thanks to gdaybloke on the PP fan art forum for this!!!

Oh and some lyrics to inspire...
Want to see you vulnerable, I am not your equal
Ruling with an iron fist, and you are on my bad list
A routine casualty
Razor sharp beauty queens
Bridges built are bridges burned
You will get what you deserve

Now playing: "Bad List" by Ayria