The Farstriders of Ghrond, Army of the Rootseers of the Spiteful Peaks
Esakh Rootseer, Dreadlord of House Sirfalas, Prelatus of the Spiteful Peaks
Enlil Rootseer, Supreme Sorceress of House Sirfalas, Prelata of the Spiteful Peaks
Bound together by dread pacts and centuries of blissfully brutal marriage, the Rootseers have witnessed firsthand the folly of being too individualistic and self-serving, instead dedicating themselves to guile and manipulation of others while remaining staunchly dedicated to the family name, in deed and spirit. The couple has raised a staggering fortune, motivated by the tragedy and treachery of their parents’ embarrassment – reclaiming their highborn status by inches, and personally launching countless raids into the wider world. Any leader of the Farstriders must unwaveringly answer to the Rootseers, but ideally be directly of their bloodline. The siblings and children of Esakh and Enlil often lead smaller forces to war and raid, while the sister-bride and brother-groom personally lead from atop their specialized Cold One steeds, Dark Pegasus warhorses, or the family’s Black Dragon, Ahnubi. Despite being considered snobbish by the standards of even other highborn – not to mention the stain of their family’s prior indiscretions – a deal with the Rootseers is ironclad and almost always fortuitous for all parties involved. The pair has negotiated treaties that allow them to call up considerable numbers to war, and mass specialized forces from Naggarond to Har Ganeth; even the Harpies and Hydras of Karond Kar are answerable to their summons. Utilizing their unique bond and boundless trust – some would say incestuously so – the couple has earned the family its moniker, seeing the root of others’ treachery and infighting as weakness and capitalizing upon it for glory and fortune – at home and more often abroad. The simple truism of Clan Rootseer – that two united prevails against many divided – has stood the test of centuries and continues to bring success to the family as a whole.
Thoughts? I may write up more as I go, but this is pretty inspiring for me as I continue to build my army. Thanks for reading.