Sunday, April 6, 2008

Countdown to Fully-Primed '08

The title says it all; I'm trying to get all my priming done. I've also got a small list of other repairs, clean-ups, and assembly jobs taken from last week's blog post.


Fully-Primed '08 - Say no to pewter models!

-[DONE] Cygnar: 138/149
-[DONE] Circle: 62/67
-[DONE] Cryx: 95/111
-[DONE] Trollbloods: 34/40
-[DONE] Mercenaries: 57/60
-[DONE] Minions: 4/5
Total stragglers: 42

Clean-ups & Repairs - the list grows...
-[DONE] Thunderhead (minor reassembly/cleaning)
-[NEXT BLOG] Lich Lord Terminus (to pin some spines)
-[DONE] Lich Lord Aphyxious (prime 'im)
-[NEXT BLOG] Two (2) of 12 Bane Knights (brass rod)
-[NEXT BLOG] Egregore (green stuff ooze vertical support)
-[NEXT BLOG] Feralgeist (green stuff gap-fill)
Total models finished: 12/17

Assembly List - lingering left-overs
-[DONE] Nine (9) Precursor Knights (prime 'em)
-[NEXT BLOG] One (1) Precursor Knight (mispack)
-[NEXT BLOG] Epic Skarre (HOT, must try)
-[NEXT BLOG] Master Gunner McNaille (with plank base)
-[DONE] One (1) Mariner (Simple Green soaker)
-[NEXT BLOG] One (1) Mariner (new in package)
-[NEXT BLOG] Four (4) Long Riders (love those trolls)
-[NEXT BLOG] Five (5) Tharn Wolf Riders
-[NEXT BLOG]Borka Kegslayer and [DONE] Keg Bearer
Total models assembled: 11/25

Not bad... a worthwhile endeavor; no bare models in '08, baby!

Now playing: "Drive That Fast" by Kitchens of Distinction

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