Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Gorax Step-by-Step

Base coat
Prime black. Top prime light gray. Paint ropes with 1:1 of VGC Earth and VGC Khaki. Paint metals with 1:1 of VMC Bronze and VGC Tinny Tin. Teeth and nails get a coat of VGC Cobra Leather. Wash entire model with GW Devlan Mud. When dry, wash the model again with GW Badab Black.

Paint rock as Wolds are done. Highlight fur with P3 Trollblood Highlight. Highlight again with RMS Creamy Ivory. Final highlight with RMS Linen White. All dry-brushed. Paint nails and teeth with RMS Linen White. Highlight metals with base color, then add a little more VMC Bronze. Add some VMC Oily Steel for a sheen.

Paint inside of mouth and dot the eyes with RMS Linen White. Wash the inside of the mouth with P3 Flesh Wash. Add a little red ink if necessary. Wash the eyes and surrounding areas of P3 Turquoise ink. Paint the leather straps with VGC Charred Brown. Then highlight by adding VGC Cobra Leather.

As for Circle standard.