Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Farstriders of Ghrond Project: The Crew of Raema's Pride

Leaving Ghrond to Conquer the World

Leaving her husband to manage the affairs of Tor Sír, Enlil has taken to the high seas to sow destruction and renew the coffers of House Sirfalas. To assist her, she has assembled an inner sanctum of trusted allies and family members – exercising ancient deals and agreements to recruit the forces necessary from across the Dark Elf world.

Captain of Enlil’s personal galley, (Anath) Raema’s Pride, and commander of her fleet, is her most trusted advisor, Fleetmistress Numia, She-Wolf of the Chaos Sea. Together, these powerful women guide their forces across the known world in search of glory, sowing terror, and plundering the riches of lesser races.

 The Crew of Anath Raema’s Pride and the Farstriders of Ghrond

 ·       Enlil of Sirfalas
High Lady of Tor Sír
Supreme Sorceress

·         Fleetmistress Numia
She-Wolf of the Chaos Sea

·         First Mate Bellinil the Stone-hold
Sister of the She-Wolf
Master and Battle Standard Bearer

·         Mirminel the Black Rose
Death Hag

·         Iseilven of Sirfalas
Daughter of Enlil

·         Duvain of Sirfalas
Niece of Enlil

·         Nostromo the Unseen End
Assassin of the Tor Sír Covenant
·         The Wolf Pack & The Black Shoal
Black Arc Corsairs of Raema’s Pride

·         The Raven Heralds
Dark Riders

·         Khaine’s Roses
Witch Elves of the Tor Sír Covenant

·         Khaine’s Razors
Executioners of the Tor Sír Covenant

·         The Farstriders of Ghrond
Cold One Knights of Tor Sír

·         Militia of Tor Sír
All other units/regular army

·         Kiss of Kurnous

·         Mendrhiel the Cursed
Sister of Enlil, Mother of Duvain
Bloodwrack Medusa

Monday, March 4, 2013

Legion Begins!

Started a painting league for a Facebook group I'm a part of (Michigan Warmachine/Hordes Players) and here are my pledge models for this month, including a test Shredder.

Here's my paint scheme for posterity.

Basecoat GW Mechanicus Standard Grey
Wash GW Carroburg Crimson
Layer on GW Mechanicus Standard Grey
Layer on GW Administratum Grey
Layer on GW Dawnstone
Layer on P3 Frostbite
Black line and blend with GW Nuln Oil
Black out the armor with GW Chaos Black
Highlight armor with GW Eshin Grey
Highlight further with GW Dawnstone
Wash mouth with GW Carrburg Crimson
Pick out teeth with VBC Bonewhite
Highlight teeth with RMS Linen White
Paint base with P3 Bloodstone
Wash heavily with GW Nuln Oil
Dry brush base with P3 Bloodstone

Not sure on a basing scheme yet. Originally was going to go with a layer of snow and tufts of dead grass. Not sure yet what I'm going to do - though I'm leaning on trying the snow - maybe on a test base first.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Circle Constructs Step-by-Step (Ease of Reference)

Long time, no write. How y'all been?

I'm just dropping this all here to get organized. Look for more coming soon.

Missing bits:
  • Wood - Dislike how my woods came out on my other constructs, so I'm using the tutorial from speed-painting the Woldwrath from No Quarter #46.
  • Black cloth - either GW Eshin Grey or P3 Coal Black to make true Blackclads! This will be especially useful on Baldur's robes and Druids.
  • Leathers - Look into the leather tutorials from the back of the Forces of Cygnar book. Use Army Painter Leather Brown as the base + GW Agrax Earthshade (aka Devlan Mud equivalent).